LegalZoom's all-inclusive DBA service makes it easy to register your DBA or Fictitious Business Name. The following is a detailed description of the LegalZoom DBA registration process.
- Complete our easy online questionnaire.
- Complete your DBA application.
Through the LegalZip® software you will complete your DBA application.
- We file your documents with the appropriate government agency.
In most states, LegalZoom will email your completed DBA application to you for signature. For your convenience, we'll also send a duplicate copy by U.S. mail. When we receive your signed application, we will file your DBA application with the proper government office. In states that do not require your signature (AK, CO, FL, HI, MO, OK and WA), we will electronically file your DBA application directly. Once your materials are submitted, the document review period varies, depending on the state or county where you file. Most orders take about 15 business days to complete after we receive your signature.
- Your DBA application is approved.
Once approved, your completed DBA filing or "County Certified Copy" is automatically mailed to you. (This generally takes about a week.)
- We publish your DBA statement.
Certain states require publication of new DBAs (CA, GA, IL, MN, NE and PA). In these states, LegalZoom will publish your DBA statement in the appropriate newspaper. We will forward you the proof of publication and a duplicate copy of your statement. If your county requires proof of publication, we will also file it with them at no additional charge.