LegalZoom's Comprehensive Trademark Search is personalized to uncover possible trademark conflicts before you file for federal trademark registration. Below is a detailed description of how our process works:
- Complete our easy online questionnaire.
- We develop a personalized search strategy.
Your proposed trademark undergoes a comprehensive search strategy to uncover any marks that are similar to yours, including those with different spellings. Depending upon which package is selected, the search may include:
- Federal and state trademark databases
- Canadian and European trademarks
- Corporate names from 49 states (not including Delaware) and the District of Columbia
- Super Pages listings of businesses across the U.S.
- Common law search of trademarks used on the internet
- Internet domain names of the eight (8) most common extensions
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- We complete your report.
We complete your comprehensive search report within 5-7 business days and compile your results online in your account for easy reading and reference.