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Get a State Tax ID Online - LegalZoom Has Helped Over One Million Businesses

Over 1 million businesses

Over the past 12 years, we've gotten pretty good at helping people launch their businesses. In fact, we've helped over one million of them.

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State Tax ID Documents Created by Top Attorneys - LegalZoom Offers Up-to-Date, State-Specific Legal Documents

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What is a state tax ID?

A state tax identification number (also known as a state EIN, a state employer ID, or a state tax registration) is a unique number assigned to a business or organization by the state where the business operates, and is used for filing taxes and hiring employees.

Who needs a state tax ID?

Most states require a state tax ID if your business is going to hire employees, or sell goods or services. The laws vary from state to state, but at LegalZoom, we understand the process and can help you register with your state quickly and easily.

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Common Questions

What sorts of businesses need a state tax ID?
In general, if your business will need to file any state taxes, or hire employees, then you need a state tax identification number. Businesses with employees need a state tax ID for each state in which they hire employees.
If I already have a federal tax ID, do I need to register with my state?
Even if your business already has a federal Employer Identification Number (EIN), most states require you to register for a unique state tax ID number–and you'll need a state tax ID for each state where you plan to hire employees or file taxes.
Does a sole proprietor ever need a state tax ID?
Sole proprietors generally file taxes under their own Social Security number, but there are scenarios where a sole proprietor might need or want a state tax ID–to hire employees, for instance, or to help protect against possible identity theft.
Can I apply for my state tax registration number before I've set up my business?
You'll need to have your business set up and your federal EIN in hand before you can register for a state tax ID, but once you have those things, the state tax ID is easy to obtain.

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